Indigenous Stories in Policy (toolkit)

The first NUICC toolkit is out!

Coming together, gathering stories, creating change.

What are Toolkits?

Toolkits are bundles of resources NUICC is gathering and developing on different topics related to urban Indigenous governance, policy, politics and knowledge mobilisation. The toolkits are developed from conversations we are having with Indigenous knowledge workers and keepers, staff at Indigenous organisations and institutions, and most importantly, those who are most often the “subjects” of “research”—urban Indigenous people themselves. We acknowledge that little here is new knowledge. Instead, we gratefully and humbly acknowledge that these toolkits build from generations of knowledge carriers who have allowed this work to be possible. Continue reading on the digital journal.

Toolkit #1: Storytelling to Policy

Why is this Toolkit Important?

Policy relationships between Indigenous Peoples and the Canadian government have historically been and continue to be devastating for Indigenous Peoples, nations, and communities. The history of Indigenous policy in Canada is characterised by the goals of the domination and assimilation of Indigenous people by colonising powers, resulting in the marginalisation or exclusion of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples’ participation in society. Through racist and patrilineal policy, Indigenous Peoples were not permitted to participate in society in a way that encouraged the freedom to pursue wellness, prosperity and quality of life equitable to that of non-Indigenous people. This was the case throughout this country’s history as it developed its social and economic systems, and is still the case today as Indigenous communities and local governments acknowledge the legacy of these policies in their efforts to find solutions. Research with Indigenous communities has mostly furthered the objectives of problematic policy, instead of lifting up solutions for improving the lives of Indigenous people in urban population centres. Continue reading on the digital journal.

What’s in the Toolkit?

This toolkit provides readers with a range of approaches and recommendations for urban Indigenous people that can be a part of good policy development processes. Further, this toolkit is meant to provide some clarity on how Indigenous stories can be included in policy development, since our stories have always had a significant role in our governance. Like many things, there is no one-size-fits-all guide for how to do the work of carrying stories into policy, especially when urban areas hold a multitude of stories from different lands, nations and communities across the country. Instead, this toolkit should be understood as a compass to help navigate possible policy development scenarios and conversations that are likely to arise as urban Indigenous people engage in policy development. Continue reading on the digital journal.

Read the entire article here- pg. 44 (English), pg. 54 (French)