Why is this toolkit important?
What are toolkits?
Toolkits are bundles of resources NUICC is gathering and developing on different topics related to urban Indigenous governance, policy, politics and knowledge mobilisation. The toolkits are developed from conversations we are having with Indigenous knowledge workers and keepers, staff at Indigenous organisations and institutions, and most importantly, those who are most often the “subjects” of “research”—urban Indigenous people themselves. We acknowledge that little here is new knowledge. Instead, we gratefully and humbly acknowledge that these toolkits build from generations of knowledge carriers who have allowed this work to be possible.
Intended Audience
These toolkits build from generations of knowledge carriers who have allowed this work to be possible.
Building a Community
of Practice
Interested to collaborate, meet with your peers and join a community of practice? Check our monthly online meetings of the Knowledge Hub Working Group.
To join, please email us a quick message about what you are working on for a meeting invite and Zoom link.
Work With Us
Mobilise Indigenous Knowledge
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